Road Rage is commonly defined as "aggressive driving that leads to aggressive behaviour". You allow yourself to get emotionally aroused with the adrenalin hi-jacking your emotions to go in "fight and flight" mode with no reasonable thought process and out of proportion reaction. The episode will only come to an end once all the emotions have been worked out. It is better to learn how to control your emotions in the car so that you don't one day do something you regret.
If you experience an overloaded "pressure cooker" because of work- or financial stress, relationship problems, health issues or poor/little exercise or any of the very long list of issues that can contribute to overloading the pressure cooker, spending 2 or 3 hours on the road proofs even more stressful when heavy traffic congestion is part of your journey.
Unfortunately bad road behaviour or road rage, often as a result of poor law enforcement on the roads, have become an entrenched aggressive culture where it is assumed that aggressive driving is allowed, especially since everyone else is doing it and getting away with it.
If you can relate to any of these behaviours, you have got a problem with Road Rage!!!!!! We can help you.
Contact a Centre today before you are forced to address your road rage for a much higher price.