"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the cause of it." Marcus Aurelius

Anger Management FAQs

How do I know I need anger management?

The fact is that everyone can benefit from anger management as we are never taught how to manage anger and other emotions and therefore lack tools. You do not need to be a very angry person or a violent or aggressive person to benefit. Some of our clients bottle up and don't really know how to communicate, others avoid issues and become resentful and negative over time, whilst some engage in passive-aggressive behaviour such as sulking, moodiness or sabotage. The more obvious tell-tale signs that you need anger management is when you can answer yes to some of these behaviours:

You argue and fight a lot, even over silly and small things
You blame others all the time
You are impatient, easily irritated, frustrated and intolerant
You play the tit for tat game
You are revengeful and feel you need to teach people lessons or punish them
You display anger, aggressiveness or even road rage
You are very defensive and feel that others are triggering you all the time

Is anger management like going to therapy?

No. Anger management is called a psycho-educational programme. This means we teach you practical tools, interventions, concepts and coping strategies to be able to handle a variety of challenges and feel in control. Whilst not a quick fix, our programme is highly effective and you will see positive changes early on in the programme. Therapy can go on for a long period of time whereas our programme has a set duration and can be concluded in 4- 6 sessions.

Is anger bad and will I learn not to be angry?

Anger itself is not typically the problem as it is a normal, natural human emotion. The problem lies more with how we behave when we are angry. We usually react without thinking and cause problems and damage. By repeating these inappropriate behaviours, they become bad habits and we default to doing the wrong things. The tools allow new habits to develop which displace the bad ones and over time, when you get angry, you don't cause any problems. You are in control and are not abusive. We must say that many of our clients to become calmer over time and less angry.

Is getting angry a problem?

Usually it is because we lack control and tools, so when we act out in anger we impact others negatively and cause problems. This gives rise to conflict, relationship breakdown, stress and even poor health and depression. We need to get help with our mis-managed anger so that we have healthier and happier lives.

What can I expect in my session?

Your first session will include an assessment plus we will take some history so that we are clear why you felt you need to see us and to understand what is going on. What are you concerned about? What are the issues and problems? What are your triggers? What do you do? How often? Is there domestic violence? Is there stress? Are you on medication or have you been diagnosed with anything? Once we have this clearer picture we will commence with the programme so that you go away with useful and practical tools and support. In future sessions you will give feedback on how things have been for you, what challenges came up and how you handled these. Thereafter we continue with the programme and build on what has already been learned.

Do you have a high success rate?

We have a very high success rate and can say that we have one of the best anger management programmes in the world. Every client completes a programme evaluation form at the end of their programme so we can measure the success. Take a look at their testimonials and read what our clients are saying. It is very important that you make the effort to fully complete the programme and be successful. You have to have all the tools available to use, so your commitment is required.

Do you provide a certificate?

Each person who has fully completed the programme, including those participating in group workshops, will be issued with a certificate of attendance and completion of the programme.

Do you offer open group workshops that anyone can attend?

Typically we don't. We mostly offer one one or couples work by appointment. Most workshops are arranged specifically for a company or other establishment and are not open to the public. From time to time, a Centre may offer a specific workshop and this would then be featured on the website.
We hope we have answered some of your questions. Please email your nearest centre for more information or to book an appointment.

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