There are so many unhappy couples in unhappy relationships. All to often this is due to a lack of practical tools and an inability to communicate with each other. This results in lots of arguments and fights, which erode the relationship leading to separation and divorce.

Communication is a common problem.
We are never really taught to communicate effectively. Our parents model behaviour for us and we land up repeating what our parents did. Some of us hate confrontation, shut down, bottle up and don't communicate. Other are fighters and usually get aggressive and abusive. Our programmes teach you how to communicate effectively and assertively with each other so that your needs and wants are met. Should you find yourself in a conflict, then you have tools to resolve the conflict so you never go to bed in anger.
Other problems are often about us wanting to change the other person to our way. This leads to one feeling controlled by another or constantly moaned at. Typical fights seems to be over household chores, children, finances and families.
The aim of our couples and relationships programmes are to help reduce or prevent the fights and arguments, to learn how to communicate civilly to each other and the kids, and to learn how to put effort into the "us" that makes the relationship blossom.